
Showing posts from February, 2018

What's good about traveling solo?

Traveling alone is sometimes dreamt of someone who've experienced depression, bullying, pain and those who are broken hearted or simply you just love traveling! Often times, they do this without having second thoughts, without thinking what could arise amidst one's journey or trip.  Anyone can actually travel because it is somehow helpful, but what are the risks? What would be the things to be weary about when traveling alone? Around with strangers. Challenges of travelling on your own: 1. Travel Budget. When one wants to scape for a reason, he won't mind paying a lot. But for those on a budget, it's going to be expensive since you ddon't have someone to share expences with. Hotel rooms, transportation allowance, entrance fees and food allowances will be on your own account. 2. Safety issues. If  you're a woman and your first time to travel alone, you have a lot to loose, I guess. The world is cruel. First timers tend to be more gullible. An

Two easy steps on processing the release of your card type drivers license:.

I processed the renewal of my non-professional drivers license, last December 20, 2017 and I was told that the card type license will be available between Febuary 2018. At the first week of Febuary 2018, I visited the new LTO office in JCentre Mall in Bakilid Mandaue City, however, it isn't available yet but they gave me a mobile number where I can make another follow up using SMS. And just last week, I texted the number and immediately got a response saying that I have to proceed to their office again and make anothe appoinment date for the release. The steps are as follows: 1st Step: There is actually no priority number. Upon entering the office, you will instantly see a queue near the entrance. Just to be sure you may ask the guard on where to fall in line for the scheduling of the release of the card type license. Just prepare your paper type license. Paper type drivers license 2nd Step : If its already your turn, you will be told to write your name and signatur