What's good about traveling solo?

Traveling alone is sometimes dreamt of someone who've experienced depression, bullying, pain and those who are broken hearted or simply you just love traveling! Often times, they do this without having second thoughts, without thinking what could arise amidst one's journey or trip. 
Anyone can actually travel because it is somehow helpful, but what are the risks? What would be the things to be weary about when traveling alone?

Around with strangers.

Challenges of travelling on your own:

1. Travel Budget. When one wants to scape for a reason, he won't mind paying a lot. But for those on a budget, it's going to be expensive since you ddon't have someone to share expences with. Hotel rooms, transportation allowance, entrance fees and food allowances will be on your own account.

2. Safety issues. If you're a woman and your first time to travel alone, you have a lot to loose, I guess. The world is cruel. First timers tend to be more gullible. Anyone can think of you as a prey and might take advantage of you. But if that can't stop you from traveling, take extra precautions. And below might help you out:

2A. Inform your family members where you are going. 
2B. Leave your active contact number and ask for their active contact numbers as well.
2C. Gadgets now is hightech and has GPS, if there is signal, you might opt to turn it on. 
2D. Avoid posting too much information on your travel on social media. If you can't help it, you can at least post one photo at a time. 
2E. Always check how far your accomodation to establishments, bus stations, airport or landmarks like police station, fire stations etc. and jot down its contact numbers. It can be a big help in case of emergency. 

3. No one to share your thoughts. You have no one to talk to or share right at the moment, how amazing, stunning or beautiful a place you're in is. Not until you post a photo of it in social media. You have no one to laugh with. You don't want to look crazy laughing by yourself ayt? 😁

Candid shot!

4. No groupie-mates. You have no one to at least take a photo of you or make groupies with you other than asking your guide or other tourists to take a snapshot of you. But bringing a tripod might be a big help!

Long arms are for selfie! πŸ˜‚

5. No look-out. You have no one to switch looking after your stuffs. Well, we can never tell how safe a place is. It is better safe than sorry. 

Keep valuable items attended

I have traveled (domestic) alone alot and these are just few negative things I've thought when traveling solo. But of course, everything has its own positive effects in one's personal life as well. After all, its not only about negativities but also learnings. Yes! Travelling can also give something good to anyone.

Good things about traveling alone:

1. You'll make friends. Often times, we are to hesitant to talk to old friends. We don't want to bother them. Strangers sometimes can become a friend once conversation has started. You might both share sentiments but still you need not be to lax about it.

2. You can always have the Freedom. When traveling with companions, you need to be considerate to them, there must no debating on where to go first or what to eat whatsoever. When you're with yourself, you can do or go anywhere you want! You can even delay or change your itinirary if you want to.

3. It can boost your Confidence. Solo traveling will always give you enough knowledge or ideas that can be shared with friends and workmates. They'll call you selfish as you didn't invited them but then eventually they'll realize you have a reason behind it! 😁 You can also inspire them to try solo traveling or invite them on your next travel or suggest places that you've visited.

4. Nurture your relationship with nature. The world is blessed with so many things and still have a lot of things to be discovered. Beautiful Rice terraces in Batad, clear beaches of Boracay, Mountain peak of OsmeΓ±a peak and so on! Those are just examples. We humans are stewards of God's creation, thus we need to communicate with nature as well. Let's just not forget to take part of preserving and keeping its natural beauty. Be with nature and enjoy everything!

Cliff jumping!

5. You'll know yourself more. We've been with our friends and workmates for several hours a day. Friends bring laughters and joy to us however solo traveling can also give you time to talk to yourself. Contemplate and think peacefuly about the present and future, family or about anything randomly. If you're strong enough, recall a wrong decision you've done and think of a solution. Just don't overthink but focus! You're in a vacation! Well, it is realy normal to talk to yourself sometimes. πŸ˜€

6. You'll get a hold of your own emotion. We get too emotional sometimes when we're too fed up about life. We then tend to find a way to escape from it. It's when traveling comes in mind. Escaping from the city life, heavy traffic, poisonous people or those causing you pain and even office works  are some main reasons. We need to listen to our own outcry and look for an outlet where we can release everything that's giving us a heavy and burdened heart. It's not healthy to keep burdens inside. Connect with nature and divert your attention and focus on the right path.

Color your own life!

We all have different insights and views about traveling, either solo or with friends. It's your choice which ever you enjoy the most. What's important is you enjoy everything you do without bothering others. I may say that there's so many things to enjoy and discover outside our comfort zones. Lets just never forget our responsibilities as stewards of God's creation. Preserve Nature! As most travelers would say, "Take nothing but pictures. Kill nothing but time. Leave nothing but footprints. Spread nothing but memories."


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