Catch up with your flight on time! Follow this easy steps.

The best mode of transportation nowadays is by air. But, sometimes  in the midst of our excitement, comes a test of time. Several obstacles might come even before we arrive at the airport but despite all that, we must make sure not to be late from our check in schedule. Check out these steps to catch up with your flight departure and to be able to check in on time.

Rain is fun, but not all the time! :)

1. Pack ahead. I'm sure you've planned this vacation several weeks already and have researched a lot about your destination. This is what travellers would do. And as the departure date is approaching, you need to be ready of whats stuffs you are going to bring with you. You need to write useful or essential things of course. A day before the flight is already enough to prepare. Have your backpack ready, waterproof camera, bathing suits  sun blocks with you and make sure all liquids are below 100ml per bottle as most airports are way too strict when it comes to this procedure. 

Note: Counters for check in always closes 45mins before its departure. Airlines have no hold whenever screening personnels would intercept your liquids or other items that is prohibited for hand carry.

 Check your carry on bags

Items prohibited for hand carry

2. Pack light. If you are traveling only for 3-days, make sure to bring with you enough stuffs during your travel in order to avoid hassle. Don't forget to check if the ticket you booked has baggage allowance to avoid additional payment during check-in process. Most airline allows 7kgs free baggage allowance but if your luggage exceeds, you may have to pay additional fee and in order to avoid such, Pack light! Don't bring your whole life in to your lugagge! 

Packing light!

Note: PAL and AirAsia allows 10kgs free baggage as hand carry. Cebu Pacific charges 784php for Airport baggage fee good for 15kgs regardless of the number of bags as long as it doesn't exceeds 15kgs. 

3. 2hours before the flight. Be weary about traffic. We can never tell how unfortunate we might be if we met heavy traffic on the way. Check in counters for domestic opens 2hours before the departure while international flights open 3hours before departure as you still have to pass through immigration for your travel documents to be checked. Be at the airport at least three hours to prepare all requirements etc. All check in counters already accepts all destinations for guest/s that are checking in. So be smart enough and look for counters that has no long queue.

Domestic check in counter

Note: For international travels, make sure to check all documents like Visa and passport validity to avoid hassle at the immigration. It is your responsibility to check all required documents and not the Airline's. For domestic flights, have your valid identification with photo and itinerary ready.

4. Proceed to final security check. As soon as you're done with the check-in process, proceed immediately to the final security check to have your hand carried bag checked. So that in the event security personnel saw anything that has to be checked in, you still have enough time to go back to the check in counter. 

Note: Other airports like Mactan Cebu International Airport is very strict when it comes to security. All passengers are required to take off shoes and caps as they pass through the scanner.

I had so much time!

5. Proceed to the assigned gate. All airlines closes the gate to the aircraft 15mins from the departure time to give at least minimal time to the flight crew to prepare all important documents that is needed. And for you to avoid being bumped off on your flight, be at the gate as soon as you pass through the final security check. In addition, this is also to give time to relax yourself and condition your mind that you are about to have a vacation and that no one has to ruin it! Also, don't hesitate to ask the status of your flight; as to wht time it will arrive etc. 
This time, don't look back and just board the plane and think only of the memories you are about to create when you touch down on your destination! Enjoy! 

International boarding gate

Demo on board! (Domestic flight)

Note: You are required to present your photo i.d. and your itinerary as you pass through the gate and upon entering the Aircraft. This is a separate standard procedure between ground crew and cabin crew to make sure you are on the right plane. 

Addendum: Most Airlines already has features like online check in, self-service check in and even mobile check in which is downloadable to your IOS or Android phones.

Kiosk service check in


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